Army Of Dreamers

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Kayleen Powell

Article by: Nate Hicks

Ladies, gentlemen, dreamers… Welcome back! Today is a special day. Why, you ask? Another day, another dollar, another chance to make a difference and dream another dream! 

I think it’s a beautiful thing to wake up daily with a passion to help make life better for others. All the way from Bowling Green, Ohio by way of Detroit, Michigan, meet Kayleen Powell! Kayleen is an AOD (Alcohol & other Drugs) and Mental Health Therapist with a bachelor’s degree in Social Work and Psychology and a Master’s in Social Work. Working in this field definitely requires passion, dedication, selflessness, and so many more underlying attributes to drive one to keep pressing forward and Kayleen embodies them all throughout her daily life.

“I’ve always volunteered growing up and although I didn’t have it the best, I had the opportunity to see my privilege. My grandma fostered all my aunts and uncles outside of my mother, so I always saw service. Mom’s a social worker and then there’s me!” 

Over the years, Kayleen has worked with a plethora of populations including adults, adolescents, individuals with disabilities, children, corrections, reentry, disenfranchised, underrepresented, AOD, and mental health. She noticed that no need was greater than another and desires to work in a capacity that allows her to make an impact in all those areas. When asked about her long-term goals, Kayleen expressed working to get her JD and make macro level policy change. 

While macro level change is extremely important and a big part of what she wants to do, Kayleen hasn’t neglected the micro level interactions that ultimately impact lives. All of Kayleen’s drive and passion led her to form Powell’s Promise Network. Through Powell’s Promise Network, Kayleen has invested in Growth, Development, and Youth success! While working with an after-school program at Rogers High School in Toledo, OH, she was able to meet and interact with many students and noticed that a lot of the students in this community unfortunately experience lack of inspiration, resources, motivation, and most importantly, opportunity! Because of this, Kayleen and Powell’s Promise sought to change that by collecting donations to award 5 students from Rogers High School with monetary awards based off their essay submissions describing their desired LEGACY, to be left at their school, in their families, and/or in their community. 

“Many of these students may be the first in their families to seek financial stability, create a business, graduate high school, be exposed to seeking higher education rather it be a trade or collegiate program, and many more things. Being a part of this growing program and community has been an honor and Powell’s Promise looks forward to contributing and assisting with bridging the gap within this community!” 

This line of work is not easy by any means, but when it’s deep in your heart, you’ll do what it takes to make a difference. Thank you, Kayleen, for the work you do and for sharing your passion, heart, mind, and soul as an inspiration to make an impact wherever life takes us!